The Test of Essential Academic Skills is used for Redlands Community College Nursing Program Admission Exam. The TEAS exam is developed by the ATI Nursing Education company. ATI Nursing Education employs nurses all across the United States who specialize in test development. ATI Test Banks are written by leading nursing educators to reflect the latest standards and technology in the field of nursing. The TEAS has proven to be a statistically significant predictor of early nursing school success.

The TEAS exam tests the following areas:

  • English/Language Usage: Contains grammar, word meaning, spelling punctuation and structure.  Time allotment: 34 minutes.
  • Reading Comprehension: Contains paragraph and passage comprehension, and informational source comprehension. Time allotment: 58 minutes.
  • Math: Contains numbers and operations, algebraic applications, data interpretation, and measurements. Time allotment: 51 minutes.
  • Science: Contains human body science, life science, earth and physical science and scientific reasoning. Time allotment: 66 minutes.

All applicants must create an account at atitesting.com prior to the date of testing. Applicants who already have created an account must ensure their account is active prior to testing by logging in to the ATI website with their ATI username and password. To unlock a dormant account, please call 1-(800)-667-7531. 

All applicants must provide a valid state or federal issued photo ID upon taking the exam. The applicant must bring their photo ID to the Testing Center when taking the exam, otherwise the applicant will not be allowed to test until a valid ID is presented. 

Redlands Community College Nursing Program requires a minimum score of 70% overall and 68% on the Reading section to submit a qualified application for admission.


Studying for the TEAS Exam:

Go to www.atitesting.com/teas/practice-assessment for purchase of 150 practice questions online that are patterned after the actual TEAS exam.

Practice Test Details:

  • 150 questions assessment patterned after the actual TEAS V exam
  • Designed to give a sense of what to expect both in content and in format
  • Ability to take the assessment twice (two versions of the TEAS)
  • Items accompanied by detailed rationales for correct and incorrect responses 

For more TEAS study material, please visit www.atitesting.com.


Testing Cost and Times

Testing will be conducted each Thursday at Noon, except for campus closures. Please check the campus calendar. The cost for the test is $65, payable at the Redlands Community College Business Office. Be sure to retain your printed paid receipt, and bring the receipt and your valid ID to MM-215B by 11:50 a.m. Applicants must have their ATI username and password before entering the testing center. 

To schedule your TEAS exam, please complete the test request form.


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